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新材料 生物技术 环境科学 海洋科学 光机电技术 电子信息技术 交流平台
作者:卢演俦 杨学昌 贾蓉芬;    出处:地球化学. 1979(2).-93-102,i004-i005

关键词:第四纪 生物沉积物 西沙群岛 珊瑚礁岛屿 地貌学
文章摘要:Bioclastic sediments in the Xisha archipelago were formed during the period from late Pleisloeene to Πolocene. Except for loose coral shell sand, they can be dividcd,according to petrological features, into coral reef limestone, phosphate-cemented foraminifera (or red aglae and Eehinodermate, etc.), calcarenite or calcirudite. All of them have been subjected to raring degrees of deuterogene alterations such as phosphatization, calcitization as well as dissolution and filling. The age of formation of the Xisha archipelago, i.e., the time it finally emerged from under the sea may be dealt with as: (1) Sand bars. (1.5-3.0 meters above sea level) took shape about 2000--2500 years ago; (2) Coral reefs (3--5 meters above sea level, with the exception of rock islands) formed 400-5000 years ago, which is in agreement with the high sea level stage in the post-glacial period; (3) Rock islands(about 15 meters above sea level) formed at late Pleistocene or earlier, which can probably be correlated with the high sea level period some 80000--125000 years ago.
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